Exploratory Data Analysis: Marvel vs DC Characters

less than 1 minute read

This year of 2018 and 2019 are awesome for Marvel fans out there!

Following the Black Panther, Avengers: Infinity Wars and Ant-Man and the Wasp movies this year, Captain Marvel and the Avengers 4 movie will be coming out in the first half of 2019 !

Since I am also a huge Marvel fan, I made this analysis project about comparing Marvel characters with DC characters. I really had fun making this project!

This is an Exploratory Data Analysis of the comparison between the characters in the Marvel and DC Universe.

The analysis includes the distribution of the characters in terms of variables such as Race, Gender, Super Powers and much more.

It also contains information of character stats such as Intelligence, Strength, Speed, Durability, Power and Combat Skills, so the project also includes the analysis of these stats for the characters.

The dataset was originally obtained from the Superhero Database website and scraped to csv files.

Here is an example of an analysis from the project:

Super Powers

You can access the full project here:

Full Project
